3D Design – from Idea to Prototype
You may have a 3D Design idea, a description, a set of sketches, reference photos or an existing item that is ready for modification or improvement.
Maybe you need a product reproduced because it is no longer available.
This may ot beeconomic for a on e-off but dozens of them should balance development costs.
We will take those ideas and supply a brief; a plan on how we see the development of your needs from that point to the final product.
We have been involved in industrial product 3d design, engineering and prototyping for 30 years so we are ready to guide and support you through the process.

3D CAD Design and Engineering for New or Existing Products
We can Reproduce or Design an original new product concept. Take a look at our 3D Design SHOWCASE portfolios that display the work we have done from start to finished, concept and brief through to prototypes and final production as single or batch runs.
Contact us or Phone Us to chat through your requirements:
3D Printing Leeds is a marketing name of the James Rothschild Partnership.
3dprintinglondon.uk 3dprintingsheffield.co.uk 3dprintingmanchester.co.uk
Providing 3D Printing Services for LONDON MANCHESTER and SHEFFIELD and the UK